Broward Homeschool Parent Support Group Untitled Header Image

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Membership Benefits

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Membership Benefits and Terms

Broward County Homeschool Parent Support Group

Membership Agreement




At Broward County Homeschool Parent Support Group, Inc. (“Broward Homeschool PSG”), our purpose is to encourage member families to grow and thrive in their respective homeschool environments and to facilitate their success while upholding the philosophy of Broward Homeschool PSG, which is founded on traditional Biblical Judeo-Christian values as defined by the Old and New Testament of the Holy Scriptures. We seek to provide information and awareness regarding homeschooling, connect homeschool students with educational and extracurricular opportunities, and provide them support and social opportunities.


Benefits of Membership


Benefits of membership in Broward Homeschool PSG include:


  1. Eligibility for the member’s student(s) to enroll in Broward Homeschool PSG’s meetings, events, field trips and activities.


  1. Eligible for discount for membership in the Florida Parent Educator's Association (FPEA).


  1. Monthly meetings to include topics of interest to homeschool families.


  1. Support and guidance from experienced homeschoolers.


  1. Well-established network of annual activities and field trips.


  1. Availability of evaluation and testing.


  1. Weekly activity update e-mail.


  1. Participation in promotion, graduation, and awards ceremonies.


Qualifications for Membership


Individual families may qualify for membership in Broward Homeschool PSG. To qualify for membership in Broward Homeschool PSG, a family must:


  1. Have at least one home school student.


  1. Have read and acknowledged Broward Homeschool PSG’s purposes.


  1. Have read, acknowledge, and agree to abide by Broward Homeschool PSG’s Statement of Faith and Core Family Values.


  1. Agree to abide by Broward Homeschool PSG’s code of conduct for participation in meetings, events, field trips, and activities.


  1. Agree to Broward Homeschool PSG’s biblical dispute resolution process.


  1. Provide Broward Homeschool PSG a release of liability in connection with the participation of any children of the member family engaged in Broward Homeschool PSG’s meetings, events, field trips, and activities.


  1. Have paid in full the annual dues set by the Board of Directors at the time of enrollment as a member. Renewals and reinstatements are approved when membership qualifications are met. Membership fees are not prorated, and fees are non-refundable should members withdraw as a member of the Corporation at any time.


Broward Homeschool PSG will maintain a roll reflecting the names and other necessary information of all members, which shall be updated from time to time by Broward Homeschool PSG’s Secretary.




A member’s term shall be for the current school year and may be renewed from year to year as long as they meet the membership qualifications. Membership enrollment is open from June 1st through the beginning of the school year. A member’s enrollment shall continue through August 31st of the following year.


Termination of Membership


Members shall be removed from Broward Homeschool PSG’s membership roll for the following reasons:


  1. Death.


  1. By personal request of the member.


  1. Failure to meet the membership requirements as determined in the sole discretion of the President or the Board of Directors.


Restoration of Membership


Members dismissed by the President, or the Board of Directors may be restored to membership by the President and a vote of a majority of the full Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting, of the Board in which a quorum was present.

2. *

By checking the box below, I affirm that I have read, acknowledge, agree to abide by, and have submitted the Membership Benefits and Terms.

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Yes, I agree

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