Broward Homeschool Parent Support Group Untitled Header Image

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


PSG Park Groups




If you are a mom of a homeschool child or are interested in homeschooling, then this is the group for you.  Come join other homeschool moms and their children and get to know one another.  I have not included the location for your safety but if you would like to join us then please become a member of the PSG or email me, Jaime Fox, at [email protected]  (All ages are included.)

Date:  Thursdays (Unless rain or very cold) 

Time:  10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Email Jaime at [email protected] for details.

                                           Davie Park Group 



Come out and meet new moms who are new to homeschooling and veteran moms  who have  been doing it for awhile and glean from their experience.If you are a mom of a homeschool child or are interested in homeschooling, then this is the group for you.  Come join other homeschool moms and their children and get to know one another.  I have not included the location for your safety. You may email me at [email protected]

All ages are included.

Mondays 10:30 am - ? (Unless rain  and  very cold)

We will not be there on Holidays! Parks are Closed.




















