Broward Homeschool Parent Support Group

"He covers the sky with clouds; He supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills." - Psalms 147:8


Homeschool Football

Homeschool Family,


You are receiving this letter as result of your involvement with a homeschool association in South Florida.  I am a fellow homeschool father who also serves as Assistant Athletic Director and Head Football Coach at Calvary Christian Academy in Ft. Lauderdale.  My wife serves as president of a South Florida homeschool association. 


I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite all homeschool boys who will be in 6th - 12th grade during the 2014-2015 school year and their parents to pray about participating in football at Calvary Christian Academy.  CCA is a covenant school where all students complete an extensive application/interview process to communicate their commitment to Jesus Christ.  We are looking for like-minded families who would view Calvary Football as the optimal choice for a young man.  As coaches, we purpose to use the relationships football affords us, and the teaching opportunities the game provides, to assist young men in their journey to Godly manhood. 


Florida law allows students to participate in football at the public school in their geographic boundary; there is however no public middle school football in Florida.  Students in 6th through 8th grade desiring to play padded football play in community recreation programs or private schools.  We field both a 6th grade team and a Middle School team of 7th and 8th grade boys. 


The option of playing varsity or junior varsity football at the boundary public school exists for 9th - 12th graders.   If for some reason you were looking for an alternative to a young man’s public school option – whether for spiritual reasons, program philosophy, playing opportunity, etc. – we would invite you to consider Calvary Christian Academy Football as an option.


Participation requires application and fee ($100) as well as the same activity/facilities fee our classroom students pay ($1000).  This fee also provides opportunity to participate in other sports, attend prom, serve on mission trips and more.  If you have interest or need more information please email Head Coach Kirk Hoza at [email protected].   Spring practice begins May 1, 2014.


In the Spirit,



Kirk Hoza

Head Football Coach/Asst. Athletic Director

Calvary Christian Academy