Broward Homeschool Parent Support Group

"He covers the sky with clouds; He supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills." - Psalms 147:8


Johnny Maury To All Instructors

Physical Science, Biology, Physics, and M/S General Science 

Johnny Maury, known to many as "Mr. Johnny," holds a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. He has also fulfilled the academic requirements towards a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at North Carolina State University. Mr. Johnny has experience teaching/tutoring students at the high-school and undergraduate college levels in Colombia, Puerto Rico, and the US for over 10 years. He also worked as a graduate teaching assistant of college undergraduate and graduate courses for 7 years at North Carolina State University. These courses include Chemical Process Principles, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (undergraduate and advanced), and Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena. As a graduate research assistant, he performed computer simulations of polymeric and biological systems, co-authoring five scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals. He currently works for Creation Studies Institute in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. At Creation Studies Institute, he assists with the academic programs, research projects, and he leads the Spanish-outreach efforts. Although he has taught at the upper levels, Mr. Johnny loves to draw younger children into the realm of science through hands on experiences that enable them to see their world through God's eyes and hopefully develop a love for science at the same time! 


Mr. Johnny was born in Colombia and has been married to his wife Alesha since 2014. He has a passion to reach English and Spanish-speaking communities with God’s plan of salvation through Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s creation.

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